The Copenhagen Post reports that public health experts in Denmark recommend screening all new mothers for postpartum depression. This, after a research study there found that twice as many depressed mothers would receive treatment if all new mothers were screened.

"The study was carried out by the Centre for Public Health, Århus City Council and mothers’ support group Mødrehjælpen. They are now recommending that all new mothers be screened for depression, instead of the current system where only those suspected of postpartum depression are offered help.

Postpartum depression affects about 6 percent of all new mothers in Denmark and Finn Breinholt of the centre described it as a serious condition.

'It must be detected and treated early, otherwise the child’s first year can be marked by poor linguistic, intelligence and behavioural development,’ said Breinholt."

The study suggested that group counseling could be an importantsolution in helping new mothers feel less isolated.