So I’ve written a book. Or at least quite a bit of it. It’s called … drumroll please …

WARRIOR MOMS: Your Guide to Battling Back from Postpartum Depression & Related Illnesses (In Plain Mama English)

I have an awesome literary agent. I have publishers looking at it. But I’ve failed to do one very important thing, duh, and that is to gauge your interest in buying it.

You see, the publishers really like my book proposal (wahoo!) but they are convinced that there is NOT, I repeat NOT, a market for books about antenatal and postpartum depression and anxiety. This is because previous books have, sadly, not sold very well. They are uncertain whether pregnant and new mothers will buy a plain English guide to fighting back and recovering from perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. They’re not sure anyone needs a book like Warrior Moms.

What do you think? Is that true?

Here’s what you could expect from Warrior Moms:

  • It will feature many moms who have been there, perhaps including you, as I will be obtaining permission from many of you to share parts of your story (either with your name or anonymously).
  • It comes from the perspective of thousands of moms who’ve been there, like a girl-to-girl guide.
  • It’s neither dire nor filled with psychiatry stuff, words and acronyms you don’t understand. It’s Plain Mama English all the way.
  • It’s not focused on one individual’s life story, a person to whom you may or may not feel a connection.
  • It’s comprehensive. It’s not focused on only one perinatal mood or anxiety disorder but includes them ALL, and all the forms of experiences and symptoms that come with them, so that no one is left out. (PPD, PPA, PPOCD, postpartum psychosis, postpartum PTSD, post-adoption depression, antenatal depression and anxiety, D-MER, and depression after perinatal loss)
  • It’s warm and conversational, as if we were sitting on the couch together.
  • It’s soft cover, and small enough to fit in your purse if you don’t want people to know you are reading it. We also hope to have it available as an e-book for you techies.
  • It’s SHORT and easily-digestible, because we all know that pregnant and new moms don’t have time to read hundreds of pages!!
  • It will offer a lot of cool related interactive features on the web so that we can all connect with each other even more intimately.
  • It will offer great new resources and tips you haven’t seen in other books.

Here are just a few of the chapters …

6 getting to the light the recovery process

7 dealing with everyone else family, friends, docs, clergy & unsupportive trolls

8 proof that I’ll really be me again the warrior moms survivor team

So. Maybe the publishers are right that women don’t need PPD books. Maybe you don’t need Warrior Moms or want it. I know there are other books out there, in fact I wholeheartedly support and endorse them as always. But if you are interested in one from me, in the style you’ve come to know here at Postpartum Progress, I need to hear from you.

Sign up via this link to show you are interested in Warrior Moms. Click on it and provide your name and email and you are all set.

Oh, and you are not in any way obligatedto act in the future and purchase the book if you add your name to the list. We are just doing some market research here. The list will be completely private and not shared with anyone else.

It’s time to delurk friends, seriously and let me know what you think. If you think the book could help you or someone else and you’d like it to be available as a resource, please say so. It won’t be published without you.