Many of you have nothing to do with the blogosphere or Twitter or Facebook or Twitbook or MySpaceFace or whatever. Good on you. Your lives are probably more peaceful than mine!!! 😉

For those of you who do, though, and who will be attending BlogHer '10 next week, please take note:

Casey Mullins of the blog Moosh in Indy and I are getting together to take a group photo of survivors of postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety, postpartum OCD, postpartum psychosis, post-adoption depression, antepartum depression, etc. Actually, it will be Casey taking the photos cause she's awesome at it. Like, really awesome.

If you are a Warrior Mom and plan to join in, come to the 2nd floor of the Hilton on Friday at 6pm (right where the conference registration area is). We will spend a few minutes hugging each other (!) and having group photos taken. Then you can head off to the BlogHer reception without missing a beat.

Please email me at if you plan to participate. Hope to see you there!

Update — Here's who's told me they're joining us so far (if I've left you off, pls remind me!):

  • Aliza Sherman @alizasherman
  • Jenna @firemom
  • Katie @motherbumper
  • Catherine Connors @herbadmother
  • Morra Aarons-Mele @morraam
  • Casey Mullins @mooshinindy
  • Maria @mariamelee
  • Emily @designhermomma
  • Alison @omyfamily
  • Blair @heirtoblair
  • Suzanne @pretty_swell
  • Morgan @the818
  • Alexis Lesa @alexistlesa
  • Katherine @postpartumprogr
  • Ivy @ivyshihleung