What a way to support Blog Week for the Melanie Blocker Stokes Act — Dr. John Grohol at Psych Central weighs in, writing about how PPD is still stigmatized today and also about the legislation and why it is important. Fabulous. You MUST visit Psych Central yourself and read the entire post. They DESERVE our internet traffic today, ladies and gents.

Here is just one of my favorite highlights:

“Perhaps the saddest thing of all, though, is that people — in this day and age of instant connectivity and all of the wonders the Internet has brought us — are still against basic, simple things like education and information about these concerns. “What? You want us to spend money educating future moms on postpartum depression!??! Ridiculous!” I just don’t get it.”

That’s just a tidbit to get your interest. There’s more where that came from.

Can you hearing me cheering? Can you?! I bet you can! You’ll be cheering too.