I’m liveblogging from the Postpartum Support International conference in Houston. I’m not sure what liveblogging means … since I’m not "deadblogging" when I’m doing it at home … but it sure sounds cool.

I have seen and heard some very interesting things these last few days. I met Randy Gibbs, brother of Jennifer Gibbs Bankston and uncle of Graham, who along with his family has started the Jenny’s Light organization in their memory. I saw Jane Honikman, founder of PSI, give the Jane Honikman Award to Ann Dunnewold at lunch today for her dedication to working in the PPMD community. Speaking of Ann, she did the keynote speech this morning and was hilarious while telling us all to stop trying to be like June Cleaver, who she asserted only had to be a mom for 20 minutes each week. I met George Parnham, who has no idea who I am but I certainly know who he is and I am so grateful for the work he has done on behalf of Andrea Yates and others. Speaking of Andrea, Rusty Yates, Andrea’s ex-husband, sat 3 people from me in the same row at the keynote this morning. I wasn’t sure how I should feel about him being here, as I personally don’t feel that he did anything to help his wife when he should have. But then again, everyone deserves to be forgiven and perhaps he’s coming to educate himself as much as he can. I wish more men came and wanted to inform themselves. I’ve gotten the chance to see a lot of the amazing women who are devoted to our cause, including Ilyene Barsky (FL), Sonia Murdock (NY), Ruta Nonacs (MA), Shoshanna Bennett (CA), Susan Stone (NJ), Diana Lynn Barnes (CA), Lucy Puryear (TX), Meg Spinelli (NY), Margaret Howard (RI), Wendy Davis (OR), Nancy Roberts (MI), Ann Dunnewold (TX), Birdie Meyer (IN), Meeka Centimano (KS), Pec Indman (CA), Christina Hibbert (AZ) and so many others I’m leaving out who I hope won’t be mad at me. You should only hope you would be lucky enough to live near and be treated or supported by one of these outstanding people who are the foremost experts on postpartum mood disorders. (I’ve put their locations in parentheses in case you actually DO live near them and could benefit from their expertise and/or support.)