Last week I wrote about the National Institute of Mental Health's (NIMH) new website and how I was concerned that the women's section of the site didn't have a clear link or area to information on postpartum depression and related illnesses. Well, the power of the internet is pretty amazing … plus the help of a few little birdies in my ear (you know who you are) …

I heard back from Kathleen O'Leary, ActingChief of the Women's Program at NIMH. She shared a bit about what they are doing when it comes to perinatal mood and anxiety disorders:

"Let me assure you that perinatal mental health research is a high priority for NIMH. In Fiscal Year 2009, NIMH funded over $20 million worth of research studies on postpartum depression, which causes so much pain and distress to mothers and their families. We continue to call researchers’ attention to this area through our active Program Announcements which let investigators know we are seeking new research proposals on perinatal mental health. NIMH also funded through our Small Business grants program the original design and implementation of the website, with which you are probably familiar. The revamped NIMH website on its Clinical Trials page now lists 'Conditions Specific to Women', which includes studies on postpartum depression which are seeking participants – ."

She also shared where you can find PPD info on the NIMH site. While I still hope in the future that such information becomes easier to find, I truly appreciate the responsiveness of NIMH to consumer concerns.