This week at the Beyond Blue blog, Therese Borchard tackles the topic of treatment-resistant depression. According to the Mayo Clinic

"With treatment-resistant depression, symptoms — such as feeling sad, hopeless and disinterested in activities — persist despite treatment. Or, your symptoms improve only to keep coming back. Treatment-resistant depression can range from mild to severe, and generally requires trying a number of treatments to find out what works."

A minority of people with depression are treatment resistant, but there are other options to help you recover. Therese writes about the various alternatives for those people who have serious depression and receive no benefit from therapy, medication and other methods of treatment. These options include ECT, deep brain stimulation and transcranial magnetic stimulation.

Also, Therese shares a summary from Johns Hopkins on the various methods of brain stimulation here.

For a fact sheet on brain stimulation therapiesfrom the National Institute of Mental Health, click here.