LIVING Self-Care

The finish line is in sight for the 21-day self-care challenge!

Everyone from the Dalai Lama to Oprah recommends that we count our daily blessings as a way to enrich our lives. Even on the worst days, stop, breathe, and connect with the ways in which life is valuable and good. But no need to have a special gratitude journal, which implies that you spend hours picking out the perfect beautifully bound book.

Simplify. Before you crawl into bed today, you only need a crayon and the tiniest scrap of paper or back of an envelope. What are you thankful for? Health, sleep, a hug, a smile, a roof over your head, the sunshine. Write it down. Breathe it in. Let it guide you to sweet dreams.

Practice today’s mantra: “My life has gifts galore to savor.”

Copyright © 2010 by Ann Dunnewold and Diane Sanford, authors of Life Will Never Be The Same: The Real Mom's Postpartum Survival Guide.