Cristi Comes: On a Life Preserver for New Moms

Dear New Mom, Does it sometimes feel as though you’re swimming at night in a sea of choppy water? Waves crash all around you as seaweed and other debris crowd your path and grab hold. Some moments may feel like a strong anchor is weighing you down. Like you’re slowly...

Jenni Chiu: On “Will it ever end?”

Dear new mom, It’s possible that there will be a time… several times… maybe even an incomprehensible amount of times when you will find yourself sleepless, swaying in the dark, crying, cradling your baby, and thinking, “Will it ever end?’ The sleep deprivation… the...

Lesley Neadel: On the Journey through PPD 

Dear New Mom, I am you. I am either you three years from now, or five months ago. I am hoping it is only the former, as the mother of the most incredible three-year-old girl, Bex, and a survivor of postpartum depression and anxiety, who is now halfway through her...