Katherine Stone: A Letter to New Moms

They say you don't have anything unless you have your health. I have a bad back. Many peoplehave degenerative disc disease when they are elderly, but mine decided to rear its ugly head in my 30s. It started out with a herniated disc that caused so much painI...

Leslie Flinger: A Letter to New Moms

This is my fourth mother's day. The fourth year I've been figuring out how to be a mom, who I am as a mom, and what the hell got me here. As someone who blogged her way through depression with her first child, the decision to stop medication during the...

Dora Thorn: A Letter to New Moms

I'm up late writing this, grabbing some silent time where no little hands are pulling at me, no voices yelling at me to help or make someone stop or feed them. Just the ceiling fan and my fingers, typing. Four years ago in this bedroom I lay on my bed screaming,...

Ivy Shih-Leung: A Letter to New Moms

Let me first of all congratulate you on being a new mom and wish you a very Happy Mother's Day! If this is your first baby, you are no doubt excited and scared all at once. I would like to share with you some of what I learned from my own experience. I have a lot...