It’s easy for me to forget to let you know what’s going on or what I’m up to. Then again, I’m not sure you want to know. Or need to know. So if posts with me telling you what I’m doing out in the world related to PPD — quick updates — are of interest to you, let me know in the comments. If they aren’t, let me know that too. I hate to waste your time. Meanwhile …

social good summit

Today I’m headed to the Social Good Summit. I’ll be in New York City all weekend learning about all sorts of amazing things that will hopefully help me do a better job creating positive action around postpartum depression and allow me to continue to build relationships with others who focus on maternal and child health. I’m grateful to the UN Foundation for making me a Social Good Fellow, which is allowing me to attend this great event.

This week, I participated in a Facebook chat on postpartum depression help by UNC and Dr. Samantha Meltzer-Brody, a reproductive psychiatrist and expert on PPD. You can read the entire transcript of the chat here. Just press the play button.

Also, last week I led a webinar for the Colorado Department of Public Health on postpartum depression and related illnesses. Colorado is doing great work to develop detailed action plans around PPD to help pregnant and new moms all across their gorgeous state. I’m exceedingly proud to say that the webinar had the one of the highest attendance rates of any they’ve ever had and received excellent feedback. So, heads up states — if you need me, let me know! 😉

~ Katherine