Every time I read another story of a mom dealing with postpartum depression I'm transported back to my own experience and reminded of little details …ways I felt… things I thought …

There are times when it reallygives me the major creepy flashbacks. But those feelings are then quickly overwhelmed and completely buried by the fact thatmy illness isG-O-N-E GONE, and I'm the me I once was and they will be too, with help. That's what keeps me going and what gives me hope. Every new day there is a mom realizing what she is going through, that she is not alone and that she can get help. A mom moving toward recovery and toward her joy being restored.

Here's Erika Krull, whose PPD story appearsat Psych Central:

"Turns out I was more carefree, more forgiving, more open-minded and accepting than I had remembered … I had once thought I would forget that woman when I became depressed. Never have I been so joyful to find what once was lost."

And then there's STC at the PPD & Me blog whose story sounds like a list of the risk factors for PPD, from fertility treatments to a scary pregnancy to a scary childbirth, breastfeeding issues … whew. What a Warrior Mom!! And now, while still mending, she's reaching out to try and help others.

Thank you for your courage ladies.