The results of our first Postpartum Progress Monthly Poll are in. The overwhelming majority of respondents said they received little to no information about postpartum depression and other mental illnesses related to childbirth in your childbirth education classes.

Here’s your response, when asked the question “Did you receive an education in advance at your childbirth class about perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (like postpartum depression) before suffering one yourself?”

  • 56% said “I didn’t receive any information in my childbirth class about perinatal mood and anxiety disorders like postpartum depression”
  • 22% said “My childbirth class quickly reviewed perinatal mood and anxiety disorders but did not offer enough information for me to recognize what was wrong when I became ill”
  • 7% said “I didn’t attend a childbirth class”
  • 5% said “I received enough information in my childbirth class that I was aware of what could happen and knew what was wrong with me, and I knew how and where to get help when I became ill”
  • 4% said “I received enough information in my chilbirth education class that I was aware what could happen and knew what was wrong with me, but I didn’t know where to get help”
  • 4% Other

Next week, be sure to keep a look out for the November poll!