This weekend I wrote about a Spanish study, the results of which led the researchers to state they can predict who is going to get postpartum depression correctly 80% of the time. The researchers alsostated that one factor they found that they felt clearly reduces the risk of getting PPD is women who work during their pregnancy and had a job or career before having a baby.

That felt strange to me. It just doesn't match my understanding, not of what happened to me, nor of what I've heard from plenty of women. We weren't protected because we had jobs. So it bugged me. And then I found this nugget from a study I just wrote about recently onpostpartum depressionand suicidal thinkingfrom the Archives of Women's Mental Health(from Science Daily):

"Researchers also found that most of the women in the highly suicidal group held jobs before becoming mothers – a significant life changing experience where they left behind their working identity in a predictable and controlled environment where they felt competent, to the unpredictability of caring for a newborn. This dramatic change could have been enough to catapult them into severe post partum depression."

Hmmm. So which is it? Jobs can be a factor in protecting you from getting PPD, or they can be a factor in you gettingPPD? As usual, we still don't know for sure.

What was your experience?