If you didn't already know, Discovery Health's all-new Baby Week is this week. Tomorrow,Tuesday, March 2nd at 8pm, they will premiere "Postpartum Nightmares". Their description of the show:

"In this compelling special, we'll explore a topic that has touched many moms: postpartum depression. We'll talk to women who have had a range of postpartum experiences – from depression to severe anxiety and even psychosis. We'll see how these devastating conditions can create turmoil during what is supposed to be one of life's happiest events – the addition of a new baby to the family. We'll find out how some women and their spouses faced one of the toughest challenges of their lives and found a way to triumph over the darkness."

I have not seen the preview, but I've seen a couple of reviews from people who have. They have said it is pretty well handled, although probably a little too scary for people currently going through postpartum depression or postpartum anxiety. Themothers featuredapparently do an amazing job of telling their stories.

Discovery Healthdid create a special website just for Baby Week, and there is a section on "Postpartum Resources" and another section on "Postpartum Family Info" but right now the first is just a laundry list of links and the second is light on information. (By the way, unless it's an emergency, I would recommend calling your doctor first, andPostpartum Support International second, which is listed further down on their list. If you are thinking of suicide, or harming someone else, call 911 or1-800-273-TALK) I've heard there may be more detailed information coming on their site, though, which would really be great. I know a lot of women will be watching, and Discovery Health can do so much to connect those who may be sufferingto the most up-to-date and helpful information.

I will be tuning in tomorrow night to see the mothers in the story share their experiences.