My friend Jenna Rosener shared this on Facebook, and I just got the chance to read it. It’s a post from DIYCouturier, a blog I hadn’t heard of until now, called “21 Tips To Keep Your Shit Together When You’re Depressed.” Rosalind Robertson, the blog’s author, wrote it as a response to what she calls “Happy People Who Think We Just Aren’t Trying.”

I. Love. It. It’s one of the better lists I’ve ever seen of what to do when depressed.

One example:

17) Avoid fictional drama and tragedy like the plague. No Grey’s Anatomy, no to The Notebook, or anything that won a Pulitzer prize. You’ve got enough going on In Real Life. Comedy only.  Or trashy stuff. Old episodes of WonderWoman? I’ve got the box set. Mindless drivel, like the latest CGI blockbuster. Or clever, funny books. David Sedaris. Jenny Lawson. Fiction exists to elicit emotion, and the emotion you need to express most right now is laughter.

Go read this. Now.